Monday, July 23, 2018

GMO's Annual Green Schools Posts in 2017

Each summer and fall the Green Market Oracle (GMO) publishes a series of posts addressing on a wide range green school related subjects. In addition to green buildings, this series reviews hundreds of sustainability-focused schools and accreditation. Last year GMO published 19 articles in this series bringing the total to almost 400.  In 2017 the articles focused on dozens of academic degrees, climate denial in early education, renewable energy and conservation in schools. The first article explains why business schools are getting a failing grade in environmental sustainability.

Business School Sustainability Fail

Research suggests that business schools are not adequately preparing students to meet the challenges of climate change. Sustainability-focused pedagogy is rare. Even rarer are schools that teach science-based sustainability strategies. As the primary drivers of climate change, the role of the business community is crucial. Read more »




Portland School Boards Protect Fact-Based Climate Education (Video)

Portland school board is standing up to protect our children's access to the truth about climate change. The GOP has been behind consorted attempts to deny children access to a fact-based climate education. In some cases, educators are all that stand between our kids and Republican lies. Read more »


Republicans Censor Climate Information in Schools

Climate denial is alive and well in the GOP. Republican legislators are conspiring to deprive kids of a science based climate education. In at least one state they have already succeeded. Earlier this year Republican lawmakers in Idaho voted to remove all fact-based references to climate from the state's science curriculum. Read more »

Heartland's Climate Denial Campaign Targets Public Schools

The fossil fuel front group known as the Heartland Institute is at the forefront of efforts to deceive our children. Climate denial comes in many forms but the most unconscionable disinformation efforts involve the targeting of kids in their classrooms. Whether they call themselves climate skeptics or climate realists, the goal of climate deniers at the Heartland Institute is to misinform the public including our children. Read more »


UI GreenMetric World University Ranking

For the last seven years the Universitas Indonesia has been ranking institutions of higher learning in terms of sustainability. The ranking is called the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking.
The idea of this ranking system was born out of a 2009 conference hosted by the school. The "International Conference on World University Rankings" addressed the fact that many school rankings failed to include carbon reduction efforts. Read more »

15 Greenest US Colleges & Universities (2017) has named the top 15 US colleges and universities in 2017 based upon AASHE's ratings. Each year the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) creates a list of green schools that have engaged in successful eco-initiatives on-campus and within their surrounding communities. AASHE's list of green schools is consistent with their efforts to coordinate and strengthen campus sustainability efforts. Although this list is not endorsed by AASHE, it does rely on the organization's STARS ratings. Read more » 

Top 5 Countries for Green Masters Degrees (Sustainable Development & Environmental Management)

The majority of the world's green schools can be found in a handful of countries. According to Eduniversal rankings of the best sustainable development and environmental management masters degrees some countries stand out both for the number of schools offering green masters degrees and for their respective positions within this ranking system. When broken down into regions GreenMetric's top 50 gives Europe the edge with 22 universities followed by North America with 13 universities. The Far East has 9 universities in the top 50. Latin America, Australia and the Middle East came in 4th, 5th and 6th with 3, 2, and 1 universities respectively. Read more »

Top 50 Masters Degrees Focused on Sustainability and the Environment

There are a number of rating systems that rank schools on their environmental footprints and their academics. One example would be AASHE's ratings another is the Universitas Indonesia (UI) GreenMetric World University Ranking. UI has assessed green campuses and sustainability in colleges and universities all around the globe. Yet another ranking system is Eduniversal 2017 rankings of the best sustainable development and environmental management masters degrees. The list includes the top 50 sustainability-focused masters programs in the world. They are presented in the order of their ranking, the name of both the university and the program, and the country in which they are located. Read more »

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