Sunday, April 14, 2019

Event - Lawyers and Climate Change Conference

The third National Conference of Lawyers Committed to Addressing the Climate Emergency will take place on April 18, 2019. This multi-site online conference will include a group of leading lawyers and law professors. They will convene in person to discuss the problem of climate change and the role of lawyers in advancing solutions.

This year’s conference will feature leading experts addressing the most important aspects of the climate crisis from a legal perspective. The conference will also address ways in which lawyers can work to make a difference on this subject of grave concern to our well-being and future.

Speakers include:

  • Washington Governor and U.S. Presidential Candidate, Jay Inslee
  • U.S. Senator Ed Markey
  • U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch
  • Prof. Michael Mann

Topics include:

  • 100% Clean Energy Future
  • The Green New Deal
  • Carbon Pricing as a Key Solution
  • Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization
  • Voluntary/Market-based Decarbonization Initiatives
  • Environmental Justice
  • How Can You Take Action on the Climate Crisis

Conference locations:

  • Washington, D.C
  • Orlando, FL
  • Chicago, IL
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Raleigh, NC
  • Eugene, OR
  • Portland, OR
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • New York, NY
A Call to the Bar: Lawyers for Common Sense on Climate Change ( is a nationwide, nonpartisan, nonprofit group of lawyers, law professors, law students, and citizens dedicated to engaging lawyers and the legal community in the fight for common sense solutions to this critical problem facing all of us. Click here to read their statement of mission, principles, and plan.

Click here to register.

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