Sunday, May 26, 2019

Event - SRI30: Sustainable Responsible Impact Investing Conference

The 30th Annual SRI Conference will take place on November 11-15, 2019 at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs.

The event will celebrate SRI's 30 years at the forefront of sustainable, responsible, impact investing.  SRI30 is about harnessing the power of investing to revolutionize the way investors deploy capital to solve some of our most   pressing social, environmental and cultural challenges. As one of the fastest growing investment movements SRI offers an opportunity for both purpose and profit.

Premier change event

Change is the natural watchword of The SRI Conference and Community, because it is only through meaningful and sustained change that we will see a better world emerge. The SRI Conference is the premier annual gathering of sustainability professionals, financial advisors, investment managers, members of mission-driven organizations, researchers, and private- and public- sector professionals who share a common goal of deploying capital as a change agent 

Why attend SRI30

  • 1200 Attendees
  • A Remarkable Sense of Community 
  • Make 1-on-1 Connections
  • 3 Days of Learning



  • 25% US assets under management
  • 33% increase since 2014
  • 75% of investors interested in SRI investing 

Who attends

  • Financial advisors
  • Asset managers,
  • Mission-driven organizations
  • Forward-thinking enterprises
  • Entrepreneurs
  • and more!


Why they attend

  • Financial Advisors Novices and experienced SRI advisors alike come to learn how to grow their businesses through SRI. 
  • Asset Managers Portfolio managers, analysts, and business development professionals come to hear from seasoned SRI professionals to expand their SRI footprint and increase sales. 
  • Mission-Driven Organizations Nonprofits, endowments, foundations, educational institutions, and family offices attend to further their fundraising efforts and explore SRI investment opportunities. Forward-Thinking Companies CEOs, treasurers, sustainability officers, and HR professionals come to learn how to apply SRI across an enterprise, to improve profitability, enhance shareowner value, and attract and retain employees. 
  • Entrepreneurs Start-ups and venture capitalists are drawn to the conference 's reputation incubating new ideas. Investors Institutional and individual investors attend to learn about new products, including private impact investments for accredited investors, and connect directly with SRI-specialist investment managers and financial advisors.



Learn, connect and be inspired 


Learn from asset managers who are harnessing the power of capital to address social, environmental, and cultural challenges while generating financial return.

Connect with the whole SRI community in one place, including asset managers, financial advisors, enterprises, mission-driven organizations, sustainability analysts, influential public figures, and more.

Be inspired by authentic leaders in the field who are making a difference where they work, live, and invest, every day. More on SRI

Breakout Session Tracks

To provide an inspiring, engaging, and quality conference experience for all, The SRI Conference features a wide variety of breakout sessions in addition to our plenary sessions. They are organized along five separate tracks identified by icons throughout. Although not guaranteed, many sessions typically qualify for continuing education (CE) credits for CFP, CFA, and CIMA designees.

Professional Education – Sessions in this track are designed to help SRI professionals sharpen their skills and deepen their SRI knowledge base around practice building, portfolio management strategies, and other trending topics. Although not guaranteed, these sessions often qualify for continuing education (CE) credits for CFP, CFA, and CIMA designees.

ESG integration – Fixed income and equity portfolio managers will share their frameworks for the application of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics in their investment analysis, providing important insights and data for asset managers, advisors, and corporate sustainability professionals.

Impact – Participants will gain a thorough understanding of direct impact investing in mission-driven organizations, its additive role in diversifying investment portfolios, as well as best practices for impact investment issuers.

Advocacy – Asset managers will discuss challenges, successes, and trending topics in shareowner advocacy initiatives. Participants will gain a better understanding of the overall process, what it means for publicly traded corporations, and how advisors can become more active shareholders on behalf of their clients.

Introduction to SRI/ESG/Impact – Participants will learn the fundamentals of SRI/ESG/Impact investing including its history and evolution, the role shareowner advocacy plays in advancing the movement, various SRI/ESG screening methods, and tips and tools for establishing and growing an SRI/ESG/Impact advisory practice. This track, along with all others, is relevant for advisors, investment managers, and professionals in the corporate space who are new to SRI and desire a better understanding how to communicate and incorporate SRI into their professional roles.

The Advisor Summit Workshop

You might also want to consider adding to your conference experience with the Fundamentals of Sustainable and Responsible Investment Course, and the Advisor Summit Workshop. 
  • 2 extra days of educational opportunities
  • In-depth sessions on SRI and ESG
  • Equips advisors with all the tools they need to build and maintain a thriving SRI practice
  • The expertise of established SRI advisors
  • 4 to 6 CE credits for CFPs and 5 CE credits for CIMAs* 




At this year's SRI you will find an informative, engaging, and fun agenda with something for everyone, including special social and networking events throughout the conference. Check out the more inclusive and engaging conference agenda that is geared towards broadening the SRI movement far beyond the annual or regional events. Click here for the agenda


Click here to register

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