Sunday, August 11, 2019

Ecology 2019: The Future of Ecosystems (20 Tracks)

The 2nd International Conference on Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology will take place on August 19-20, 2019 will take place in London, United Kingdom. Ecology 2019 is organized around the theme of "the future of ecology" and it will include keynote speeches, presentations, talks, and exhibitions.

Ecology is the investigation of living life forms, it is derived from the word oikos, a Greek word that means 'home'. In the context of ecology this implies the study of living beings and their interactions. The meaning of nature is defined as "the investigation of biological communities".

Why Attend?

The 2nd International Conference on Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology 2019 meeting will highlight specialized sessions, publication session, show lobby, keynotes address, and Special element incorporates understudy workshop.

The 2nd International Conference on Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology 2019 is a flawless stage for preservationists, specialists, researchers, leaders and understudies to meet up, look at discoveries, and talk about the exploration without bounds. Impart your examination to a connected with gathering of people of your associates from around the world. Gain from logical pioneers who are outlining more manageable procedures for accomplishing a diverse Ecosystem.

Who Attends?

Noble laureates, Presidents, Vice-presidents, Deans, Chairs, Co-chairs, Department Heads, Environmentalists, Researchers, PhD Students, Non-PhD Students, etc.

Vendors will introduce the latest advancements in the fields of ecology, soil microbiology, and biochemistry.

The majority of attendees are academies, researchers, industry, students, ecologists, meteorologist, marine biologist, oceanographer, environmental researchers, business entrepreneurs, training institutes, microbiologists, chemical/biological engineers, biochemistry researchers, environmental engineers, waste management associations and non – Governmental organizations

20 Track/Sessions

Track 1 : Sustainability, Ecosystems, and Environment (SEE) 

Track 2 : Climate and Carbon Exchange

Track 3 : Conservation and Restoration Ecology 

Track 4 : Behavioral Ecology 

Track 5 : Social Ecology 

Track 6 : Community Ecology 

Track 7 : Ecosystem Ecology

Track 8 : Evolutionary Biology

Track 9 : Conservation Biology

Track 10 : Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology 

Track 11 : Biodiversity, Community Ecology & Biological Conservation

Track 12 : Integrative and Comparative Biology 

Track 13: Marine Ecosystems and Conservation 

Track 14: Marine Conservation 

Track 15: Ecology and Natural Resource Management 

Track 16 : Conservation and Management 

Track 17 : Natural Resource Management 

Track 18 : Evolutionary Genetics & Genomics 

Track 19 : Conservation Physiology 

Track 20 : Human Ecology and Environmental Psychology 

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