You can complete your degree in as little as 12 months through experiential learning opportunities as well as flexible combinations of learning both online and on campus.
Climate change. Land use. Water justice. International trade. Sustainable food and energy systems. Our Master of Environmental Law and Policy (MELP) students deliver solutions to some of the most critical challenges facing our world today.
- Focus on the policy, scientific, and communications aspects of environmental law with an added emphasis on economics and advocacy. Innovative curriculum with traditional law offerings and MELP-specific courses in writing and advocacy.
- Experiential learning opportunities with state and federal agencies, nonprofit organizations, and advocacy groups.
- Graduates get jobs as policy analysts and leaders.
- Courses include Water Resources Law, Climate Change Law, Ocean and Coastal Law, Global Energy Justice, and more.
Fossil fuel dependency. A warming planet. Smart-grid technology. The rise of alternative energy markets and infrastructures. Our Master of Energy Regulation and Law (MERL) students receive intensive training at the intersection of energy and law, regulation, policy, and economic analysis.
- Program focused on law and policy governing energy use, production, and transmission.
- Students receive practical training in public advocacy and writing for a legal and policy audience.
- Faculty include former high-level government officials and environmental litigators.
- Graduates get jobs in energy regulation, clean-energy startups, and more.
- Courses include Energy Law and Policy in a Carbon-Constrained World, Environmental Economics and Markets, and more.
The food movement grows here. Our Master of Food and Agriculture Law and Policy (MFALP) students become food and agriculture advocates and entrepreneurs, creating innovative legal tools to support the new food movement.
- Most comprehensive sustainable food, agriculture, and environmental law program in the country.
- Offers students a powerful marriage of agriculture policy, food safety, and environmental law.
- Clinical training in one of the nation's first food and agriculture clinics.
- Courses include Public Health Implications of U.S. Agriculture and Food Policy, Law and Policy of Local Food Systems, The Modern Farm Bill, and more.
Comprehensive Green School Information and Resources 2010 - 2018
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