Thursday, August 22, 2019

Green, Healthy, Sustainable Schools (Video)

In 2016, Jennifer Seydel discussed the value of sustainable schools and sustainability education. She suggested a framework for developing greener schools and school districts. Jennifer was a School Designer for Expeditionary Learning, a non-profit education reform organization that partners with existing schools and opens new schools with the goal of preparing children and youth for success in an ever changing world. She also served as an Associate Professor of Education at Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts and as the Director of the S.A.G.E. Project, a college-community collaboration founded to address the needs of highest risk high school students in Springfield, Massachusetts, Jennifer designed the S.A.G.E. M.Ed. program, a graduate degree in Education and Counseling. The students who graduated from this program have gone on to become leaders and change agents in many urban school districts in New England.

Comprehensive Green School Information and Resources 2010 - 2018 

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