Saturday, September 28, 2019

Student Strike on September 27th is the Largest Climate Mobilization in History

The climate march on Friday September 27th was an historic event with over 7 million people participating from all around the world. The largest climate march took place in Montreal where 500,000 protestors joined Greta Thunberg to call for climate action. This was the largest single climate march ever. A total of almost a million Canadians took part in some form of action on this day. This is prescient for Canadians who are voting in national elections on October 21. On September 20 more almost 4,500 climate strikes were held in 132 countries. There were 800 events in the U.S. including a massive march in New York City ahead of the U.N.'s Climate Action Summit. These climate strikes are of global importance as they are part of a game-changing movement.

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