Friday, September 6, 2019

The Trump Administration and Betsy Devos are not Education Friendly

Educating children is important to everyone, except perhaps American President Donald Trump.  His administration has sought multi-billion dollar cuts in education funding. The Atlantic reports that Trump's 2020 budget proposal sought a $7.1 billion cut in funding for the department compared with 2019.

Trump also put a hopelessly unqualified person in charge of the department. Education secretary Betsy Devos is the brother of the owner of the infamous Blackwater security firm. She is a supporter of Trump's decision to pull the US out the the Paris Climate Agreement. "The announcement made today by the President is one more example of his commitment to rolling back the unrealistic and overreaching regulatory actions by the previous Administration," her statement read.

As reviewed by Desmog, critics point to DeVos' support for Republicans who have denied the veracity of climate change. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) worries that DeVos' school voucher program could harm climate education by potentially funding "religious schools that promote creationism and deny climate change." Devos' support for charter schools effectively contributes to the dismantling of public education in the U.S. 

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