Sunday, November 17, 2019

Event - Ener-Rev

Ener-Rev will take place on April 21, 2020 at the Intercontinental Marceau Hotel, Paris. France is the second largest European economy and home of the Paris Agreement on climate change, and is now a key European player in the renewable energy space. With a mature onshore wind sector, a fast-evolving solar market and a high potential in biomass and offshore wind, the French renewable energy market presents a unique business opportunity for international companies and investors.

This year marks the renewal of the French legal energy roadmap, the Programmation Pluriannuelle de l’Energie (PPE), establishing targets for the whole of the French energy industry for 2028. In a heavily regulated environment, this legal document defines the potential of evolution for each of the renewable energy sectors in France. Meet more than 100 attendees, experience more than 7 hours of content and hear from 30+ industry leaders.


  1. Maximize your networking opportunities. Conduct six months worth of meetings in just one day, use the customised mobile app to pre-arrange meetings, make vital new contacts through informal chats over coffee, lunch and drinks.
  2. Interact with an international crowd. Ener-REV facilitates the introduction of foreign companies to domestic players in the French market, relationships take time to develop, make sure you start building these key relationships now.
  3. A multi-sectoral, content rich event. The agenda has been thoroughly researched and specific sessions will focus on key growth sectors, including - Wind and solar in the French renewable energy industry.


1. The PPE is setting higher targets and a framework for the development of renewable energy sectors in France this year and to 2028

2. Offshore is a big topic this year with Dunkirk call for tenders – and the end of the trial for the first two offshore projects which were on hold for the last eight years

3. Solar is kicking off – notably with EDF having committed to develop 30 GW by 2035 and ambitious PPE targets. WHY ENER-REV IS A VALUABLE DAY OUT OF THE OFFICE Maximise your networking opportunities


Yara Chakhtoura has been Managing Director of Vattenfall Éolien SAS since March 2018. Previously, Ms. Chakhtoura worked at L.E.K. Consulting, a strategy consulting firm, where she started her career. In 2010, she joined the AREVA group, and in mid-2011 she took over the French Sales Department for the group's offshore wind activity, which was selected by the French government for the production of a total of 1,500 MW with its Iberdrola partners / RES then Engie / EDPR. At the end of 2014, she joined TechnicAtome (formerly AREVA TA), specialised in naval nuclear propulsion; she became Director of Trade and Industrial Cooperation and member of the Executive Committee. Yara is a graduate of Ecole Centrale Paris, with a Masters in Climate Change Management from Oxford University and a director of the Naval School.

Jean-Baptiste Galland holds degrees in mathematics and economics from Parix IX Dauphine and ENSAE as well as a management degree from Mc-Gill. After graduation in 1982, he joined EDF in the Strategy and Tariffs department where he held several responsibilities, one in particular as Head of the Tariff department. In 1990, he joined the Distribution business where he managed local distribution and commercial activities both in gas and electricity in various parts of France during 10 years. In 2000, he joined the Finance Department of EDF Group in Paris where he prepared the 2001-2003 agreement between the French state and EDF group that paved the way to the future IPO and was involved in the preparation of the latter successful IPO of EDF.

  • Thierry Lepercq Président Solairestream
  • Damien Ricordeau Chief Executive Officer FINERGREEN
  • Jean-Baptiste Galland Directeur Stratégie ENEDIS
  • Julien Pouget Senior Vice President Renewables Total
  • Yara Chakhtoura Managing Director Vattenfall Eolien SAS
  • Amaury Schoenauer Directeur CEPAC
  • Corentin Sivy Acquisition and Development BayWa r.e France
  • Loetitia Hurez Directrice Développement Nordex France
  • Eric Bonnaffoux Directeur Général Boralex
  • Sylvain Legrand Managing Director SUNCNIM
  • Nicolas Charpy Directeur Général 3D ENERGIES
  • Sylvie Perrin Director La Plateforme Verte
  • Pierre-Antoine Machelon Head Eiffel Investment Group
  • Emmanuel Legrand Directeur Banque des Territoire
  • Romain Davau Project Finance Director Akuo Energy
  • Pierre-Albert Langlois Head France Energie Eolienne (FEE)
  • Guy Auger CEO Greensolver
  • Richard Loyen Délégué Général ENERPLAN
  • Cédric Germa Head of Business Development Solarcentury
  • Benoît Roux Head BayWa r.e. France
  • Carlos Herrera Malatesta Directeur général Apex Energies
  • Emmanuel Julien Président du Directoire SERGIES
  • Christophe Soulier Responsable nouveaux projets et repowering RES (France)
  • Vincent Balès Managing Director WPD Offshore France
  • Dominique Moniot Directeur ENGIE GREEN FRANCE
  • Vincent Fromont Chief Executive Officer EOLFI
  • Benjamin Vie Responsable raccordement QUADRAN - Groupe Direct Energie
  • Sven Rösner Director French-German Office for the Energy Transition (OFATE/DFBEW)
  • Yannick Jacquemart RTE R&D Director
  • Justine Peullemeulle Responsable du pôle animation Energie Partagée
  • Nicolas Jeuffrain co-Owner and President Tenergie
  • Nicolas Maccioni Directeur Akuo Energy

+44 (0)20 7099 0600
Green Power Conferences Ltd.
China Works, Black Prince Road,
Vauxhall, London,

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