Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Award-winning virtual and augmented reality providers now available through Jisc

Jisc is working with five leading developers of immersive experiences to bring virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) into the classroom and lecture theatre, helping to transform teaching and learning and make Education 4.0 a reality. 

According to Jisc futurist Martin Hamilton:

"We've seen from members that have already taken steps in this area that VR and AR have massive potential, and by partnering with leading suppliers we can help more universities and colleges to create high quality learning experiences.  

“These could include virtual field trips to places that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive or dangerous, such as the ruins of Palmyra or the depths of the Mariana Trench, or virtual workplaces that allow students to safely access complicated machinery or hazardous substances. 

“With this technology, teachers can now use immersive technologies to make lessons more impactful and engaging for students everywhere, no matter their geographical location. This is a key part of our vision for how teaching and learning will be transformed as we move towards Education 4.0.” 

Jisc’s senior co-design manager, Rob Bristow, adds:

“Getting up and running with VR and AR can be complicated and time consuming as there are a plethora of tools to choose from, and most universities and colleges don't have in-house expertise to make informed decisions, or to understand how to use this technology in day-to-day teaching. 

“To help members navigate the complexities, Jisc has set up a procurement framework agreement with five companies that have created award-winning immersive experiences and virtual classrooms. We will work with members to firm up  project requirements, and then run a mini-tender exercise to find the supplier best placed to fulfil them.” 

The companies in the Jisc procurement framework are DadenGleechi ABGooiiHidden Creative and Medical Realities

To find out more, fill out this enquiry form, and a member of the team will get back to you within two working days. 

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