Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Free resources to support the education sector during coronavirus; from ebooks to online communities

As the coronavirus pandemic impacts the education sector, we are providing free resources, advice and online communities to organisations as they shift teaching and learning to online platforms.

Staff, students and researchers will be able to access ebooks, historical texts, and a Microsoft Teams community page, as well as guides and practical tips to ensure continuity during this complex time.

Members can request to join the planning for coronavirus community on Microsoft Teams, a community space for those responsible for ensuring strategic and operational continuity during a potential epidemic. There are four themed channels; business operations, remote working, student experience and wellbeing, and teaching and learning.

A further guide offers practical tips to maintain teaching, learning and business operations while staff or learners are unable to physically spend time on campus.

We are making resources for vocational learners available free of charge during the pandemic. Members can visit the vocational learning support page, where there are resources for construction, hairdressing, education and childcare, and digital and IT. There are also free ebooks for FE, with access to a collection of relevant, curriculum-mapped taught course e-books – covering BTEC, A-Level, NVQ/SVQ and Cache courses, and GCSE, WJEC and Highers English and maths.

We are offering free access to Historical Texts and Journal Archives platforms to members in higher and further education, who do not already subscribe to the services. Historical Texts features over 460,000 late 15th to 19th century texts, and Journal Archives holds over 1,000 journals.

Steve Bailey, head of consultancy at Jisc, says:

“This is an unchartered time for the education sector. We hope that our resources and communities will support members to feel confident in using digital alternatives to face-to-face teaching and learning, whilst maintaining continuity for students.

We’re encouraging members to look at the technology they already have at their disposal, such as VLE platforms, lecture capture, Microsoft Teams and Office 365, and using them as effectively as possible. This approach will hopefully lessen loneliness for students and staff, as well as providing continuity.”

He continues:

“The human side of online learning is fundamental in supporting mental health when it comes to isolation, and our guides offer advice on maintaining social interaction digitally, too. By embracing digital practices, we hope that students, as well as colleges and universities, will be able to adapt to the ‘new normal’ for as long as they need to.”

Members can request free access to Historical Texts and Journal Archives until the end of the current academic year (31 July 2020), by emailing

For further advice and guidance, visit our coronavirus help and advice page. You can also read our coronavirus statement in full.

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