Friday, March 6, 2020

Using the Courts to Challenge the Trump Administration's Environmental Assaults

The Trump administration's disregard for the environment is being challenged by those who refuse to submit to their autocratic rule. Although this administration is actively subverting constitutional constraints to embolden their hold on power, organizations like the NRDC and the Sierra Club are leveraging the courts to push back against the Trump administration's environmental assaults

The Sierra Club successfully resisted drilling lease sales in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, they protected more than two million acres of public land. and are increasing the number of coal plants slated for retirement. The NRDC has also been involved in lawsuits to stop the Keystone XL pipeline and protect the Clean Power Plan.

The NRDC's half century long legal struggles in defense of human health and the environment include victories all across the nation. NRDC Chief Counsel, Mitch Bernard said the legal fights against this administration is about protecting "the air, our water, our wildlands and wildlife, and ultimately, the livability of the planet our children and grandchildren will inherit." 

Sierra and the NRDC are two leading examples of groups waging legal battles against this president's reckless war against nature and they are winning. This administration has lost almost every environmental challenge it has faced.

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