Sunday, April 26, 2020

Online Event - Sustainatopia Virtual Conference Series 2020

Sustainatopia Virtual Conferences series 2020 will take place on May 20th, June 23rd, July 22nd and August 20th. This series is focused on accelerating business development and investment acquisition within social, financial and environmental sustainability. Founded in 2009, SUSTAINATOPIA remains one of the leading events in the world of its’ kind. Attendees have participated from more than 60 countries. Sustainatopia curates an expert global ecosystem of Investors/Fund Managers, Corporations, Foundations, Non-Profits, Social Entrepreneurs, Government, Think Tanks & Leading Intermediaries within a high engagement, heavy networking format- supplemented by outstanding, leading-edge content.

4 virtual conferences
  • Accelerating the Purpose Economy will take place on Wednesday, May 20th
  • Money4Good 2020 will take place on Tuesday, June 23rd
  • Sustainatopia2 will take place on Wednesday, July 22nd
  • All In On Impact will take place on Thursday, August 20th
Engagement activities:
  • Live video and on demand keynote speakers and panels presentations
  • Collateral information sharing Live chatting options
  • Recorded sessions for archival review 1-on-1s and group meeting capabilities
  • Concurrent breakout sessions
  • Exhibiting booths for vendors Ability to connect and share contact details with participating colleagues



1. The Ecosystem of Impact, SRI & ESG Investing

SUSTAINATOPIA curates one of the world’s most powerful networks of leading Impact & SRI Investors, funds, foundations, social entrepreneurs, B Corporations, government agencies, and top intermediaries in order the accelerate the flow of capital to projects and investments

2. Sustainable Strategies & Innovation (Fortune 500s)

Focus on Fortune 500 companies: Leading Executives For Latest Trends in Strategic Branding & Sustainable Innovations.

3. Energy, Water & Smart City Revolution

Clean Tech & Energy, and Water includes leading investors, companies in renewable energy, recycling, info tech, green transport, green chemistry, buildings. Water Investment is a continuation of our previously successful California program . Smart Cities focuses on both tech and non-tech solutions to developing more sustainable communities and better quality living standards.

4. Focus on Base of the Pyramid (Global Impact)

Impact & Sustainability is truly Global! This track is specific to the leaders of organizations of all sizes targeting the base of the pyramid in communities around the world. For both long-standing experienced global development organizations and also new social entrepreneurs + small non-profits also welcome.

5. Paris & the SDGs

Paris in 2020 includes special workshops + sessions for Paris Under2 Coalition members + other sustainability professionals. Both tech and non-tech solutions featured as well as underserved & collaborative solutions.

6. Inclusive & Sustainable Economy: It’s Time

Meet the leading companies, investors, foundations & non profit leaders who are creating a truly inclusive & sustainable economy. With a large focus on empowering women through investment and underserved communities. Includes Opportunity Zone investing.

7. Empowering Women through Investment
8. Design & New Impact Opportunities (including cbd/cannibas economy)

Click here to register

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