Monday, April 20, 2020

Online Event - World Bank and WWF Webinar: Sustainable Financing of Protected Areas

On April 23, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. PST, the World Bank and WWF are presenting a webinar titled Sustainable Financing of Protected Areas Conservation and Local Community Development in the Great Bear Rainforest.  Coast Funds will be featured in the webinar hosted by the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program.  Coast Funds' executive director, Brodie Guy, will share the innovative approaches and experience gained over 10 years of supporting First Nations’ businesses, economic development, and conservation management in one of the Earth’s largest remaining temperate rainforests, highlighting lessons that could inspire similar approaches for protected areas around the world.

This free event will feature:

Chair: Adriana Moreira, Senior Environmental Specialist, Manager of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program, World Bank A Biologist with a PhD in Ecology from the University of Harvard, Adriana is an expert in environment and sustainable development, with over 20 years experience in natural resources management, rural development, and climate change.

Speaker: Brodie Guy, Executive Director, Coast Funds As Executive Director of Coast Funds, Brodie leads a team that works in close partnership with First Nations on conservation finance for ecological and cultural stewardship, guardian programs, and economic development initiatives.

Discussant: Melissa Moye, Senior Director, Conservation Finance, WWF US As Senior Environmental Economist of World Wildlife Fund US, Melissa leads WWF’s Conservation Finance Program which creates market-based financing approaches to achieve WWF’s conservation and sustainable development goals.


Protected Area systems (PA) are globally considered as one of the most effective approaches for conservation and to tackle climate change, but they are facing ever increasing threats and chronic lack of critically needed financial resources. Current estimates suggest that expenditures for PA are less than one third of what is needed in developing and half of what is required in developed countries (CBD High Level Panel, 2014). This lack of funds jeopardizes the possibility of effective management and threatens the conservation of remaining biodiversity hotspots and the livelihoods of millions of people. The ASL Working Group on Sustainable Finance is leading a three-part webinar series to showcase diverse and successful approaches to generate sustainable PA financing at scale.

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Meeting number: 471 265 128

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