Tuesday, April 21, 2020

SRI Call for Proposals

Submit your proposal for SRI2020 before May 12, 2020. SRI welcomes all timely, topical, and relevant suggestions with a clear connection to investing to drive change through SRI and ESG. SRI2020 will take place on November 8-11, 2020 in Orlando, Florida. The theme this year is: “Designing Our Future with SRI and ESG."

In the spirit of this forward looking theme SRI is calling for proposals that explore what the future may look like and map out  how will we get there. Winning proposals will provide participants with thought-provoking, action-oriented content that showcases a path forward. This can include topics like the future of healthcare, public policy, industry, the environment, cities and communities, food and land use, space, and privacy.

The SRI Conference features the best and brightest from across the SRI and ESG ecosystem. More than 1,500 participants are expected to attend including
  • Academic practitioners
  • Advisors, investors, and other sources of capital
  • Asset managers
  • Asset owners such as retirement plans, insurance companies, foundations, endowments, and family offices
  • Corporate leaders (CEOs, Chief Sustainability Officers, Investor Relations)
  • Media representatives
  • NGOs
  • Research analysts
  • Service Providers
Keep these guidelines in mind as you craft your proposal, so you can put your best forward: Be forward-looking with sessions that focus on the future of specific industries and organizations. Disruptive new business models are welcomed.
  • Share actionable ideas - Your goal should be to provide content that participants can use right away
  • Be impactful – Tell a story, use case studies, be creative.
  • Be authentic - Our participants want to hear from those on the front lines of SRI and ESG.
  • Be unique - Do you have a bold, "out of the box" idea to move SRI/ESG forward? Tell us everything.
Speaking spots are limited and competitive and priority will be given to those who address:
  • Diversity and inclusion - Sessions that reflect diversity of race, gender, age, background, and belief systems are given priority.
  • True leadership - Are they leading in this time of disruption? Are they leading by example?
  • Authenticity -Do they have a unique story to tell? Are they willing to share both their successes and challenges?
  • Forward thinkers - Can they offer their vision and project what the industry will look like in 10 years?
  • Asset deployers - Our audience is keen to hear from financial advisors, asset owners, and others who direct investment dollars.
When you submit your proposal, you'll be asked to assign it to one of the categories listed below: Advisor Practice Management Capital Raising Climate Change Community Investing Corporate Sustainability Initiatives Cultivating the Next Generation of SRI and ESG Leaders Data and Research Direct Impact Investing Disaster Response (e.g. COVID-19 Virus Outbreak, the Opioid Crisis) Donor Advised Funds/Philanthropic Investing Economic Empowerment Fundamentals of SRI and ESG Future Trends Gender and Racial Equity Human Rights Measuring Return on Investing and Impact Portfolio Construction/Management Techniques Product and Service Innovations Resource Scarcity Retirement Plans and SRI/ESG Share-Owner Advocacy Social Entrepreneurship SRI and ESG Public Policy Stories of Impact Sustainable Agriculture Working with Foundations and Endowments Marketing to Millennials and Women.

You may submit a formal proposal by clicking on the link below, or simply share an idea more informally with us via email at info@sriconference.com with the subject line: "SRI2020 Ideas." 

Click here to share your proposal.

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