Thursday, May 28, 2020

Beyond the technology: student's view - responding to COVID-19

This week we get a student's view on the response to COVID-19.

In this podcast we'll hear about how members are implementing Education 4.0 technologies including their challenges, successes, and where they had to re-assess.

For the first few weeks we will be focusing on the impact of coronavirus, sharing how further and higher education institutions have responded to the crises and asking how this pandemic could impact learning in the future.

This week we get a student's view on the response to COVID-19, we were joined by Owen Barlow, final year student and student fellow specialising in wellbeing and the curriculum at the University of Bristol. We chat with Owen about how universities can help support students during this time, the importance of interactivity when teaching online to keep students engaged and how he is handling studying from home.

Show notes

Episode guest

Owen Barlow

Owen Barlow, final year student and student fellow - wellbeing and the curriculum, University of Bristol.
Read Owen's LinkedIn profile

Episode host

Georgie Myers

Georgie Myers, media and content officer at Jisc.
Read Georgie's LinkedIn profile

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