Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Help Jisc understand cyber security across education and research

For the fourth year in a row, Jisc is asking universities, colleges and research centres to help gauge the state of cyber security in the education and research sector.

This year’s survey is now live and should take just 15 minutes to complete online.

Results of the annual cyber security posture survey will help steer Jisc’s future work in this area. The head of Jisc’s security operations centre, Dr John Chapman, who is the author of the survey, explains why the data is important:

“Before we launched the first survey, back in 2017, we knew that the cyber security picture across the sector was varied, and we wanted to understand that in more detail. For example, the survey asks about the top threats, the level of resource and specialist security skills available, and security awareness training for staff and/or students.

“There was a great response to last year's survey, with 122 different organisations taking part, and the answers improved our insight and influenced our work over the past year.

“Data from the surveys helps us understand not only the general shape of security measures in place and where there are gaps, but also the differences between security at further and higher education institutions.

“With this knowledge, we can better target the kind of advice and guidance we provide. The insight also steers the development of new services and products that will help members protect themselves and help Jisc protect the Janet Network that all our members rely on.”

Survey data will be collated and anonymised and a summary report will be reviewed by sector experts before being published later this summer.

There’s more information about ways in which Jisc helps members protect against cyber attacks on the cyber security pages.

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