Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Look at Who Supports Biden and Who Supports Trump

Trump is the most consistently unpopular president in the history of the republic. The most recent polls show the Biden leads trump by an average of 8.8 points nationally. This is the largest deficit by an incumbent president in decades.  Biden has the support of Blacks, Latinos, women, seniors, independents and educated voters while Trump has Christian evangelicals, rural voters, older uneducated white men. Trump has also been endorsed by the Taliban and the Proud Boys. as well as authoritarian leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin,, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Pilipino President Rodrigo Duterte, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden has the support of scholars and academics. Both the New England Journal of Medicine and Scientific American have urged voters to reject Trump as have more than 500 national security experts. 

Trump has lost the support of the active military and veterans as well as many Republicans, conservative groups and key donors.  While Trump was endorsed by 235 senior military leaders, an open letter signed by 500 national security experts make the case for Biden.  The letter was signed by more than 200 retired generals/admirals and nearly 300 other former national security officials and diplomats.  This includes William Webster, the former director of the CIA and the FBI, and five former defense secretaries: William Perry, William Cohen, Chuck Hagel, Leon Panetta and Ash Carter. 

Many of these people have never been involved in politics until now. This includes Gen. Peter Chiarelli, who served as the Army's No. 2 officer before retiring in 2012. In an interview with NPR, he said "I believe the current administration is a real threat to the republic," he said, citing the president's "attacks on institutions" and his "failure to lead," especially on a coronavirus response. Chiarelli said it "makes me ill" that the wearing of masks to prevent the spread of the virus has been politicized by the president. "I believed I had to stand up and be counted," he added. The letter says Biden is "the leader our nation needs," and "a good man with a strong sense of right and wrong." The letter also says as a result of the president's "disdainful attitude and failures," climate change continues "unabated," as does North Korea's nuclear program. And it says the president has "ceded influence to a Russian adversary who puts bounties on the heads of American military personnel," (a reference to intelligence reports that Russian paid the Taliban to target American service members in Afghanistan). The letter also calls out the Trump administration for its lack of support to NATO, for Kurdish allies, Japan and South Korea. "Joe Biden would never sell out our allies to placate despots of because he dislikes an allied leader," the letter states.

Here is a summary of the groups that support Biden:

350 Action
Bend the Arc Brady Campaign
CASA de Maryland
Center for Biological Diversity
Center for Popular Democracy
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Clean Water Action
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Color of Change
Council for a Livable World
Democratic Majority for Israel PAC
Environment America
End Citizens United
Environment America
Equality California
Equality Florida
Everytown for Gun Safety
Friends of the Earth
Garden State Equality
Harvey Milk Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Democratic Club
High School Democrats of America
Houston GLBT Political Caucus
Human Rights Campaign
Humane Society of the United States
Jewish Democratic Council of America
J Street
League of Conservation Voters
Let America Vote
NARAL Pro-Choice America
National Association of Social Workers
National Center for Transgender Equality
National Iranian American Council
National LGBT Chamber of Commerce
National Organization for Women
National Wildlife Federation
Natural Resources Defense Council
The People's Alliance
People for the American Way
Planned Parenthood
Population Connection
Protect Our Winters
Republican Voters against Trump
The RINJ Foundation
Sierra Club
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy
Stonewall Democrats
Sunrise Movement
U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce
Voto Latino

Here is a summary of the groups that support Trump:

60 Plus Association
America First Action
American Crossroads
American Energy Alliance
Americans for Limited Government
Arizona Police Association
Associated Builders and Contractors
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Brigade 2506 Veteran's Association 
California Republican Assembly
Christian Civic League of Maine
Church Militant
Citizens United
Club for Growth
College Republican National Committee
Committee to Defend the President
The Conservative Caucus
Crow Tribe of Montana
Deplorable Pride
Eagle Forum
Empower Texans
Faith and Freedom Coalition
Focus on the Family
Gays for Trump
Great America Committee
Great America PAC
Huck PAC
Illinois Family Association
Log Cabin Republicans
Michigan Farm Bureau
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life
National Diversity Coalition for Trump
National Federation of Republican Assemblies
National Federation of Republican Women
National Republican Congressional Committee
National Rifle Association
National Right to Life Committee
New York Young Republican Club
Ohio Right to Life
Operation Rescue
Pasadena Republican Club
Priests for Life
Republican Hindu Coalition
Republican Jewish Coalition
Republican National Hispanic Assembly
Republican National Lawyers Association
Republicans Overseas
Republican State Leadership Committee
Students for Trump
Susan B. Anthony List
Tea Party Express
Tea Party Patriots
Texas Alliance for Life
Texas Patriots PAC
Turning Point Action
Women for Trump
Young Republicans


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