Wednesday, October 28, 2020

College of the Future report is a catalyst for change

Out today, the final report from the Independent Commission on the College of the Future underlines some of Jisc’s key aims for the sector and provides a strong consensus for the future. 

Bringing together representatives from sector bodies, including Jisc, FE providers, employers and industry advisors, the commission has produced a blueprint for radical, long-term education and skills reforms and investment.    

The report’s recommendations highlight a number of important points, including aligning pedagogy methods with the skills needs of employers and calling for ‘significant investment in the digital skills of the college workforce’.  

Jisc’s MD for FE and skills, Robin Ghurbhurun, who’s a member of the commission's expert panel, says: 

“I welcome this report as a catalyst for change - change in the way the FE sector prepares today's learners for the workplace of tomorrow and provides them with the digital skills the UK economy needs. 

“Our own research highlights the urgent requirement to support teachers to develop confidence delivering engaging online learning. With the right investment, we can help make technology-enhanced education the norm, rather than the exception. 

“Even before the pandemic, FE providers were front and centre in the government’s plan to close the technical skills gap and provide an economic boost. Post lockdown, that aim is even more urgent.  

“My hope is that the College of Future’s report, which resonates with Jisc’s FE and skills strategy, will make a compelling case for change ahead of this autumn’s FE and skills white paper.”  

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