Thursday, December 31, 2020

End of Year Message and the Top 100 Articles from 2020

Since its inception in 2008, The Green Market Oracle has published 7,731 articles which have been viewed on this site a total of 4,012,438 times.  As this year ends I want to take a moment to thank our readers and let you know that the new year will bring some exciting changes and additions. On January 1, 2021 an upgraded, remodeled version of this site will be launched on a new platform. We will continue to deliver fact-first journalism as well as some added features including a regular podcast.  So thanks again for being with us over the past years and stay tuned for the new additions in what promises to be an eventful year to come. 

Here are the top 100 posts from 2020.They are ranked according to popularity as determined by viewership. The topics of these articles range from the climate related impacts of Covid-19 to fossil fuels and the Trump presidency.

  1. World Environment Day and Covid-19: Making Time for Nature (Published  May 9) 
  2. We are on the Cusp of the Collapse of Civilization (Published  Jul 13)
  3. How Supply Chain Resilience Mitigates Against Risks from Pandemics and Climate Change (Published May 14) 
  4. How the Coronavirus Helps Renewable Energy and Hurts Fossil Fuels (Published May 12)
  5. Fifty Shades of Greta (Published on Jan 30)
  6. Gaming the System: Social Media Undermines Climate Action and Threatens Democracy (Published on Feb 18)
  7. Open Letter Warns Us to Stop Wasting Time and Act Now (Published  Aug 29)
  8. The Power of Protest: The Achievements of the BLM Movement (Published  Jun 23) 
  9. Trump's Mishandling of the Coronavirus is a lot like his Climate Denial (Published Mar 11) 
  10. Liars and Wildfires: A Tale of Two Idiots (Published Jan 3) 
  11. 50 Books on Climate Change and Sustainability (Published Sep 3) 
  12. Inflection Point: America's Turning Tide (Published Aug 24)
  13. University Installs Innovative Water Battery to Harness Solar Power (Published Sep 1)
  14. COVID-19: A Paradigm Changing Social Tipping Point for Climate Action (Published May 22) 
  15. The Forthcoming Economic Collapse Could Save Us From Ourselves (Published Apr 29)
  16. Systemic Racism and Environmental Injustice in Trump's America (Published Jun 1)
  17. Its Now or Never for Climate Action (Published Jul 17) 
  18. Trump's Support is Collapsing Because He is on the Wrong Side of History (Published Jul 6)
  19. Energy Job Losses in the US Due to COVID-19 (Published  May 18)
  20. The Revolutionary Upside of Covid-19 (Published May 2)
  21. The Deadly Implications of Trump's Cuts to Environmental Protections (Published May 28)
  22. Coronavirus Reduced China's Emissions by 25 Percent (Publishes Feb 24)
  23. The End is Near for Dirty Energy: Fossil Fuels are Being Abandoned by Investors, Insurers and Banks (Published Feb 3)
  24. The End is Nigh for Trump (Published  Jun 25)
  25. The Deadly Connection Between Climate Change, COVID-19, Wildfires, Hurricanes and Tornadoes  (Published Sep 9)
  26. Trump Guts ESA as Part of his Ongoing War with Nature (Published May 15)
  27. COVID-19 Exposes Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Food Insecurity (Published Apr 25)
  28. Decarbonization Through Electrification Creates Jobs (Published  Jun 3)
  29. Oil Crash of 2020 Could Bankrupt Thousands of Fossil Fuel Companies (Published  Apr 27)
  30. Trump Ignored COVID-19 Despite Repeated Warnings (Published Apr 18)
  31. Greta is Steadfast Despite Being the Target of Generational Warfare (Published Jan 24)
  32. Corruption in Washington: Money Trail Leads to the Fossil Fuel Industry (Published Jan 27)
  33. Four Lawyers and an Unlawful President (Published Feb 14)
  34. COVID-19 is Driving Down Emissions and Buoying Hope for Climate Action (Published Apr 28)
  35. Republicans, Conservative Groups, Veterans and Donors Opposing Trump's Reelection (Published Aug 1)
  36. Polling Trends: A Growing Number of Americans Support Climate Action (Published May 4)
  37. More Record Breaking Heat (Published Feb 19)
  38. The Sources of Disinformation & Cognitive Biases that Fuel Climate Denial (Published Jul 20)
  39. Combating the Biodiversity Crisis and Living in Harmony with Nature (Published Jan 16)
  40. Hope in the Midst of Despair - A Collection of Environmental Success Stories (Published Jul 8)
  41. The Courts have Stymied the Trump Administration's Agenda (Published Jun 30)
  42. Republicans Controlled by the Fossil Fuel Industry Killing Climate Action (Published May 20)
  43. Cities, Academia and Investors Divesting from Fossil Fuels (Published May 7)
  44. Celebrating the Achievements of Wind Power on Global Wind Day (Published Jun 15)
  45. Thus Saith Greta: Hope is Achieved Through Action (Published Jan 11)
  46. Trump's Environmental Assaults in the Last Six Months (Published Jan 10)
  47. Support for a Green Deal Increasing in the Wake of Covid-19 (Published May 6)
  48. The Coronavirus is Killing Dirty Energy (Published Apr 24)
  49. Polls Suggest that Climate Action could Unite Americans (Published Nov 10)
  50. Negative Emission Technologies are Our Last Hope (Published Jan 8)
  51. Fossil Fuel Powered Politics Driving Trump's War with Nature (Published Jan 22)
  52. Anatomy of a Failed Presidency (Published Oct 29)
  53. Earth Day Special: The Road to Recovery - The Courage to Hope for a Better World (Published Apr 22)
  54. The Heartland Institute's Answer to Greta (Published Feb 28)
  55. COVID-19 Inspires Renewed Interest in Facts and Science (Published Jun 17)
  56. Emission Reductions from the Coronavirus are Being Undermined by Government Subsidies (Published Mar 16)
  57. Coronavirus Augurs Hope for Climate Action  (Published Mar 26)
  58. Net Economic Gains from Climate Action (Published Mar 3)
  59. Electric Planes are the Future of Aviation (Published Jun 13)
  60. The Fossil Fuel Industry is Increasing Climate Change Causing Emissions (Published Mar 18)
  61. COVID-19 has Uncovered the Fault Lines of a Broken Civilization  (Published Jul 15
  62. Why We Need Carbon Capture and Sequestration  (Published Feb 11)
  63. The Coronavirus has Improved the Way We Work (Published May 26)
  64. Joe Biden's September 14th "Climate Arsonist" Speech (Published Sep 16)
  65. GMO's Annual Green School Series (Published Aug 7)
  66. Boycott Culture: Brand Influence During Trump's Presidency and Beyond (Published Dec 8)
  67. The Plague Economy: Inequality and the Preoccupation with Growth (Published Aug 3)
  68. The Facts Call Americans to Vote for Leaders Who Support Science (Published Aug 27)
  69. Biden Leads the Most Climate Friendly Presidential Ticket in the History of the Democratic Party (Published Aug 18)
  70. The Rising Toll of Murdered Environmental Activist (Published Jan 2)
  71. 2019 Adds More Data Points to the Constellation of Hot Data (Published Jan 1)
  72. Trump Taps a Leading Fossil Fuel Defender as the DOJ's Chief Environmental Enforcer (Published Feb 17)
  73. The Trump Administration's String of Environmental Losses in Court (Published Feb 6)
  74. Rising Emissions are Exhausting our Carbon Budgets (Published Jan 7)
  75. More Record Breaking Heat (Published Jun 29)
  76. Trump's 2021 Budget Seeks to Slash Funding for Climate Action While Increasing Support for Fossil Fuels (Published Feb 21)
  77. Will We Learn from COVID-19 or Will We Go Back to Business-as-Usual (Published Jun 11)
  78. Scientific American Endorses a Presidential Candidate for the First Time in its 175 Year History (Published Sep 21)
  79. The Fossil Fuel Industry is Financing the Militarization of Police (Published Aug 6) 
  80. 28 Posts Commemorating the Seminal Efforts of Female Environmentalists (Published Mar 6)
  81. Canada's Climate Action in the Era of COVID-19 (Published Jul 1)
  82. From Covid to Climate How Trump Has Made Everything Worse  (Published Sep 14)
  83. Greta Shines the Spotlight on Other Climate Activists (Published Jan 29)
  84. Remembering Some of the Earth Defenders Who Were Killed in 2019 (Published Jan 4)
  85. Amazon Wins with Climate Action and Fails by Silencing Employee's Climate Advocacy (Published Jan 17)
  86. Fact Checking Climate and Environmental Statements in the Vice Presidential Debate (Published Oct 8)
  87. The Sierra Club's Top 20 Cool Schools (Published Oct 25)
  88. Final Presidential Debate: Biden and Trump's Climate Related Remarks (Published Oct 23) 
  89. Coronavirus Related Stock Losses in 2 days Equal to the Cost of Climate Adaptation for the Next 10 Years (Published Feb 27)
  90. Energy Endgame: Renewables vs Fossil Fuels (Published Mar 2)
  91. Short Brief on the State of Carbon Capture Research (Published Feb 13)
  92. Trump's at it Again This Time with Funds Earmarked for Climate Mitigation (Published Feb 10)
  93. Canadian Provincial Governments Use Covid-19 to Give Polluters a Pass (Published May 8)
  94. Shame and Sustainability: Changing the Paradigm (Published Jan 28)
  95. Are Green Buildings and Energy Efficiency Enough? (Published Jul 23)
  96. Largest Ever Arctic Oil Spill and Climate Feedback Loops (Published Jun 9)
  97. Trump Uses COVID to Help his Family, Friends and the Fossil Fuel Industry (Published Jul 27)
  98. A Turning Point for Canada as Protestors Diffuse a Massive Carbon Bomb (Published Feb 25)
  99. Zombie Pathogens & Other Climate Concerns Undermining Human Health (Published Mar 20)
  100. Climate, Environment and Sustainability in the Presidential Debate (Published Sep 30)

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