Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Survey results will help build picture of cyber security in education and research

For the fifth year running, Jisc is asking universities, colleges and research centres to help gauge the state of cyber security in the education and research sector. 

This year’s survey is now live and should take less than15 minutes to complete online. 

Results of the annual cyber security posture survey help steer Jisc’s future work in this area. Jisc’s head of cyber defence, Dr John Chapman, who writes the survey, explains why the data is important: 

“Having collected information on cyber security across the sector for the last four years, we have been able to build up a decent picture of where the strengths and weaknesses lie.  

“We know that security posture is generally improving, and the survey results give us insight into exactly where Jisc and its members need to focus effort so that, together, we can continue to build robust defences. 

“Survey responses will also help us plan the advice and guidance we provide and the type of new services and products we develop to help members protect themselves from cyber threats.” 

Survey data will be collated and anonymised and a summary report will be reviewed by sector experts before being published later this summer. 

For information about ways in which Jisc helps members protect against cyber attacks, visit the cyber security pages.  

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