Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Jisc launches new strategy to support higher education sector

Powering UK higher education is a three-year plan that supports universities towards a technology-empowered future.

Developed following months of discussion with sector leaders, the new higher education (HE) strategy will help steer and support universities across the four nations of the UK. 

Work on the strategy began in 2020, building on the cross-sector, learning and teaching reimagined report

Jisc’s managing director of HE, Jonathan Baldwin believes the strategy will help universities develop the learnings of lockdown. He says: 

“Never have digital, data and technology been so important in meeting the challenges UK universities face. We are focused on supporting universities, funders and government, bringing HE communities together to solve problems and share experiences.”  

Having collaborated throughout the pandemic to imagine a new future and think carefully about the tools the sector needs to get there, 'powering UK higher education' has four strategic themes: 

  • Reimagining learning, teaching and assessment 
  • Reframing the student experience 
  • Empowering culture and leadership 
  • Transforming infrastructure 

Addressing each theme, Jon Baldwin will host a series of four podcasts with guests including university vice-chancellors and other leading voices in HE. The first podcast, which Jisc will publish on 6 April, brings vice-chancellors from Falmouth, Aston and Sheffield Hallam universities together with Jisc’s chief executive, Paul Feldman, to reimagine learning, teaching and assessment. 

Paul says: 

"I am excited to be working collaboratively with people in the HE sector, powering and empowering our members with the technology they need to thrive. Both through the podcasts, and with 'powering UK higher education', we will explore how we do that now, and what we will do, at pace, in the future.” 

Find out more 

You can read powering UK higher education and visit Jisc’s dedicated higher education web page for information, news and advice to support the sector. 

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